Interactive Session on Issues and Challenges in RoDTEP Scheme
The recent announcement by the government on the “Scheme for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP)” give exporters more stability, liquidity and provide a cushion for the exporters. The wide range of products covered by the RoDTEP scheme would offer more benefits to exporters in the form of tax and duty neutralization on exported goods. However, there are many issues and challenges faced by the traders on availing the benefits of the RoDTEP Scheme.
At this juncture, the issues related to RoDTEP scheme is critical due to pertaining challenges such as some of the important sectors are excluded from RoDTEP Scheme, rates are lower for some sectors and even methodologies for assigning rates are unclear, many exporters are not aware of the duties/taxes/levies subsumed in RoDTEP, some in-built checks in the system affecting industries and hindering export.
It gives us immense pleasure to inform you all that the Foreign Trade and Investment Committee is organizing an interactive session on “Issues and Challenges in RoDTEP Scheme” on Wednesday, 8th December 2021, via zoom meeting from 4:00 PM (IST), to make an effective representation to the Government.
Please find appended below the details of joining the virtual meeting:
Direct link without registration-
PHD Chamber is inviting you to join the meeting.
Topic: Interactive Session on Issues and Challenges in RoDTEP Scheme
Time: Wednesday, 8th December 2021 at 04:00 PM IST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 947 5908 3331
Passcode: 220134
Looking forward to your joining us for insightful discussion and suggestions.
Request you to kindly send a line of confirmation to Ms Prativa Shaw, Economist, at (Mob: +91 8800837967) with a cc to Mohd. Hashim Khan, Associate Economist at, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
In case of some unavoidable reasons which may prevent you from joining the same, you may send in your ideas/suggestions latest by 7th December 2021, so that those inputs can also be placed on the table for discussion.

local_offerTags: Interactive session issues and challenges RoDTEP Scheme