Webinar- TDS Implications on Foreign Remittances: Changing Landscape
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
date_rangeFriday Jun 03, 2022 04:00 pm to 06:00 pm
my_location VirtualNew Delhi, Delhi, India
person_pin Dr S P Sharma
list_altEvent Details:

join us in a Webinar being organised by the Direct Taxes Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry on "TDS Implications on Foreign Remittances: Changing Landscape" - Friday, 3rd June 2022 at 4:00 to 6:00 PM.
Topics to be covered-
- Applicability of TDS provisions on foreign companies
- Principal Purpose Test and TDS compliance
- Whether treaty benefits can be claimed in the absence of TRC?
- How to claim benefit in India of tax withheld in foreign countries in case assessee has business loss during the year on which no tax is payable.
- TDS on commission on export sales
- TDS on purchase of mail domain from foreign entity having no PE in India.
- TDS on digital transactions and interplay with Equalisation Levy
- TDS on acquisition, sale and relocation of virtual digital assets
- TDS on online advertisement, subscriptions, webhosting, cloud computing and digital space
- TDS on Salary paid to expats in India or employees leaving for employment outside India
- TDS on secondment reimbursement
- TDS on software payments - off the shelf and customized
- TCS on foreign remittances
- TDS on dividend to foreign shareholders

local_offerTags: PHD chamber PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry TDS implications Foreign remittances